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Network speed


Guaranteed speed of access to the network.
VMHosting Company provides for own users the opportunity to use tariffs where network speed is always guaranteed, regardless of time of day and congestion external channels. This means that at any point, speed of access to the network (the input and the output) is guaranteed and not less than that specified in your plan.
Not guaranteed speed of access to the network.
Our company made cloud hosting market analysis and found that a large segment of users do not need to have a guaranteed speed of access to the network. There are a lot of reasons "why" and we won't list them here. Therefore, we decided to give for our users the ability to pay less for services through the introduction of tariff plans where speed of Internet access ranges and out, depending on needs of all users of the service plan. Users of current service plan distribute bandwidth together. E.g. all users have shared internet port.  Today the bandwidth(shared port) is 100Mb/s. Company VMHosting may increase (but not decrease) this band depending on the workload, so that our users will not feel discomfort. Ordering data plan with no guaranteed access to the Internet - you can choose the limit (the input and the output) to be available for you at a time when other users of current service plan not actively use the network.  In case you do not fit this option, please review the tariff plans with guaranteed speed of access to the network.

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