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Privacy Policy

Service VMHosting respects the rights of its customers privacy and non-disclosure of personal information.
This privacy policy describes the conditions that necessarily performed by all personnel, serving or in any way connected with the maintenance of our service.
Anyone of our employees, which serves or in any way is associated with servicing our service, can not use information provided by the service VMHosting for selfish purposes or to cause any harm to the user or humiliation of honor and dignity of the person.
The process of ordering any services by our service, assumes providing of personal information: when registering online at https://www.vmhosting.com.ua; in the service order process.
The process of domain name registration means providing personal information about a potential owner of the domain name.
In this case, the data identifying the user, are open and may be published in publicly available sources (eg, public Internet service WHOIS). At the same time, information regarding commercial cooperation for customer service and the service itself - the number of registered domain names, payment amount, terms and conditions of the contracts , logins and passwords for managing domain names, etc. - confidential. This information will not be sold or transferred to third parties under any circumstances (exceptions can be made only by the court, the court of arbitration or law enforcement agencies by only official request and in accordance with the law).
Service VMHosting collects and saves personal information for the purpose of providing services to users. Service VMHosting does so in order to make the most of user's personal information is used solely to provide the required services and/or to notify the user of any changes that have occurred or will occur. Service VMHosting constantly working on preventing personal data being stolen or lost and used in good faith and trying to protect them from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. VMHosting service offers for clients to use HTTP protocol with encrypted SSL, thus minimizing data theft and provides a certain degree of reliability view the information on the website of the service. In addition, service VMHosting tries to ensure the reliability of user data through a series of specific hardware and software, reduction of human factor, which is an integral part in the organization of security.
This privacy policy is not final at the time of its creation and can be changed and updated. On changes of service users will be notified via email or with notice on the home page of the website https://www.vmhosting.com.ua.
Creation date: 12-11-2013

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