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Cloud solution from VMHosting

Our cloud platform were designed to be high available and high load solution with security in mind. It is a great place for running mission critical application based on big variety of OSes on top of one of most advanced opensource virtualization engines - KVM.
Our cloud platform has a number of benefits:
  1. Complete cloud management system with advanced billing solution - assumes easy to use and manage.
  2. Automated backups - extra availability level - no matter what happens - your data will be in safe place.
  3. Upgrading system resources without reboots - great feature to add more CPU power or RAM to your Virtual Servers if You need it on the fly without any reboots or service interrupts. Now You can uswe both types of service scaling(vertical or horizontal) without service interrupts.
  4. Automatic failover - our cloud solution proactively monitors health of cloud and its components and could automatically run failover procedures in a case of hardware malfunction or any other issues.
  5. Hot Migration - assumes moving running Virtual Server from one HV to another one without service interruption(no reboots, no network disconnects). It could be used for example, for migrating Virtual Server to more powerful HV or with more free system resources, or for HV maintenance and it does not affects your Virtual Servers.
  6. Lot VM Templates - tons of ready made OS templates to use right now and could be added on demand.
  7. Security - our service provides layered security model - from our infrastructure, cloud software and to security enhanced OS Templates;
  8. CDN and AnycastDNS - with more then 170 PoPs (Points of Presence) across the world, could speed up any website with world wide spread user’s locations.
To achieve this goals we use:
  • Hardware of well known vendors - Intel, Supermicro, Brocade, etc;
  • Smart software with lots of unique features - Linux, KVM, Solaris;
  • Redundant hardware topologies and software technologies.

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