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Terms of service of Virtual Servers hosting

Terms of service of Virtual Servers hosting
Attention! These conditions are considered as accepted after the first payment.
Virtual Server - alternative to a physical server, where emulation of some system resources occurs;
User - an individual, who uses company's services;
Content - valuable part of data;
Service - action, results of which used by user;
Spam - sending unwanted correspondence, with, in the first place, advertising, etc., addressed to individuals, which have not expressed a desire to receive it;
Service “VMHosting” - all services provided by VMHosting Ltd.” with web resource http://www.vmhosting.com.ua/ ;
Client Area - individual web resource section on http://www.vmhosting.com.ua/, where user can order services of “VMHosting”, check and pay invoices, send support request or alert about any issues.
1. The responsibility for relevance of personal data
The user is fully responsible for the accuracy and relevance of their personal data and maintaining saving password for access to own client area.
2. Service provisioning
2.1 Start of service provisioning
Start of service provisioning considered time of receipt of funds to the bank account of “VMHosting” service from user in accordance with invoices. Service will be activated within 2 hours after funs receipt.
2.2 Ordering of services
Service ordering is possible only with client area after accepting this terms and "Agreement on processing personal data".
2.3 Suspending of services
Service could be suspended (with keeping all data intact) in following cases:
  • initiated by user - by creating support request in client area or with email, with next phone(voice) approve;
  • initiated by service “VMHosting”(with alerting user about it);
  • invoices was not payed till the ond on payed period;
  • violation of described here rules of acceptable usage;
  • to a legal appeal of the competent authorities.
2.4 Terminating of services
Service could be terminated(without keeping data) in following cases:
  • initiated by user - by creating support request within client area or with email with following phone(voice) approval and erasing data;
  • initiated by “VMHosting”(with alerting user about it):
  • if after service suspending, invoices was not payed within 15 days
  • severe and/repeated violation(s) of rules of acceptable usage described here;
  • to a legal appeal of the competent authorities.
Service “VMHosting” reserves the right to keep personal user data after termination of service, if used does not informed about withdrawal of his consent to processing and storage of personal data in writing.
2.5 Unsuspending of service
Unsuspending of service is possible in following cases:
  • initiated by user - by creating support request in client area or with email, with following phone(voice) approval, if service suspending was initiated by user;
  • initiated by “VMHosting”(with alerting user about it):
  • user eliminate violations of rules of acceptable usage described here, if it was the first violation of such type;
  • removing the ban on service operation by competent authorities.
3. Payment for services
3.1 Payments
Service “VMHosting” receives payments:
  • with credit cards Visa and MasterCard, emitted by any bank;
  • wire transfers, for organizasions and private entrepreneurs, according to signed service agreement.
Invoices are sent 7 days before the end of payed period.
3.2 Payment refund
User can cancel own services within 14 days from first payment with full refund.
In case of express service termination (after user's request and phone(voice) approval), only the difference beetween payed and used periods of services will be refunded.
Payment could be refunded only to the source of original payment - credit card ar bank account, which was used for payment processing.
4. Support
Support is provided with ticketing system within client area and/or with email.
Support is provided with next conditions:
  • service “VMHosting” supports full operations of virtual servers;
  • service “VMHosting” does not respond, does not support and does not configure any software installed on virtual servers;
  • service “VMHosting” does not give any support for third parties.
5. Restrictions
Service “VMHosting” can not be used for illegal activities, supporting them, promoting or providing opportunity for third parties to have access to the services and network services "VMHosting" from the user.
Illegal activities includes:
  • ending spam;
  • gathering, saving, distributing or sharing following data:
  • information of pornographic nature;
  • threatening, abusive or defamatory statements;
  • information that promotes illegal activity;
  • promotion of enmity and hatred (racism, etc.);
  • personal data of third parties, without consent of the owner of the data;
  • other information prohibited by the laws of Ukraine.
  • gathering information illegally to guide illegal purposes
  • use of services and service "VMHosting" for violation of (interference with) normal operation of other network services and resources (including those that support the service "VMHosting");
  • use of unlicensed software, unless otherwise provided by the license owner.
User agrees that in case of rules violation service “VMHosting” could provide any information about user (personal data, accounts info, IP addresses, etc.) to official request of competent authorities and without user's consent. Also service “VMHosting” have right to suspend and then terminate services in case of illegal activities.
User is solely responsible for the use of unlicensed software that requires a license, as well as licenses obtained in illegally way.
User is solely responsible for any data, downloaded to virtual server or uploaded from virtual server.
7. Guarantees
7.1 Guarantee of uninterrupted service operation
Service “VMHosting” guarantees most possible uninterrupted service operations. in case of virtual server unanailability for more then 2 hours, without alert about technical maintenance, user can get refund. Amount and type of refund is calculated by service "VMHosting" according to virtual server downtime.
Service “VMHosting” does not guarantee absolutely uninterruptible service, and full 100% reliability and security, but it does all the best to provide reliable and secure services.
7.2 Responsibility limits
Service "VMHosting" exempt from liability for loss of profits or loss which could have been avoided. The maximum liability may be in the form of monetary refund in an amount not exceeding one month payment of services.
8. Changes in terms of service
Service “VMHosting” reserves rights to change:
  • service pices;
  • terms of service.
About any changes users will be informed with web resource https://www.vmhosting.com.ua/ , or with email or any in any other way, but no later then 1 month before changes.
9. Force Majeure
Service “VMHosting” shall not be liable to the user for the complete or partial non-performance caused by the action of force majeure (force majeure) arising after the adoption of these conditions. Obligations under these terms continues after the expiration of force majeure.

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