VMHosting Ltd.


Knowledgebase & Downloads

The knowledgebase provides documentation written by our team. Please select a category or search for answers.


How to start?

To order your own virtual server You shoud go through next steps:

  • decide, which tariff suits You the best. You should take in account all parameters of virtual server configuration(CPU, RAM, etc.);
  • fill necessary information (it is mandatori to fill all fields marked with symbol "*" ) and sign up with our service (if You did not do it before);
  • choose type of payment and use promotional code(discount code)(if You have it);
  • tick checkbox beside "I have read and accepted Terms of Service". Attention! After that we will assume that You have read and accepted "Terms of Service";
  • click "Order" button;

Then, after some time, system will allocate You system resources according to chosen tariff and give You opportuniti to build virtual server.

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